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CrossFit Leeds

The Forge

Unit 8 Kirkstall Ind. Park




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Thursday 30th September 2010

WODRest Day

Practice some skills, train your weaknesses, play some sport, improve your mobility, catch up on a WOD, educate yourself.



Following on from yesterday's post directing you to the Gymnastic Bodies website, why not try some handstand progressions?



Mobility WOD






Wednesday 29th September 2010



Overhead Squat - work up to 3RM


20 minute AMRAP:

5 Overhead squats 50/30kg

10 Box jumps 24/20"

20 Double Unders


"I have yet to meet someone who did not at least claim to aspire for success on some level. However most people drastically underestimate the cost of that success. Very few are actually willing to invest the sweat, blood and sacrifice necessary to make those pleasant daydreams a reality. Essentially they would love to be successful; as long as it is not too inconvenient, or too boring or too painful.

This is why there is always room at the top for those who are willing to pay the price. In my experience, I have found the following to be true: first you think like a champion, then you train like a champion and finally you compete like a champion, proving to everyone else what you have already known for some time; that you have the heart of a champion."

Christopher Sommer, USA Gymnastics Junior National Team Coach.


Take a look at Chris Sommer's website Gymnastic Bodies for useful articles and videos on how to progress your gymnastic movements.

Tuesday 28th September 2010

2 power cleans + 1 jerk every minute for 10 minutes

Focus on technique and speed of movement.  Use approximately 60% of your 1RM Clean & Jerk.

Three rounds for time

Run 800m

15 Pull Ups 


Rest 3 minutes


Max Ring Dips in 2 minutes


Monday 27th September 2010

CrossFit_TotalOur first ever Intro to CrossFit course starts this evening at 7pm.


The next course will begin on Monday 25th October and places have already started to go.  Please get in touch to reserve your place or for more info.


CrossFit Total


Three attempts at each of the following lifts to find your 1RM:




Score is the the total of your heaviest successful lift in each discipline.

Saturday 25th September 2010

Saturday morning - No excuses!


Work up to Max height Box Jump


5 rounds for time

With 60/40kg bar

7 Deadlifts

5 Squat Cleans

3 Push Jerk




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